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Libre cooperation

dimanche 29 décembre 2024, par La graine

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Cooperate in our own way to the Free-culture.



This article is dedicated to many forms of collaboration around the Free-culture.
Many people would like to participate to the Free-culture but don ’t because they don’t have any computer skills.
But there is no need to be a computer-savvy to participate !
On this website, we will show you many ways to act at your own level


The Free-culture promotes the freedom to distribute and modify «   intellectual works   » in the form of free works.

It draws its sharing philosophy from the free software ’s by applying it to culture and information, in fields as broad as arts, education, sciences...

The Internet is often the place to share creations. In this era of remixing, collaborative creations or various sharing, Free licenses allow you to define the conditions under which you share your creations.

Unlike copyright which restricts, what is called copyleft, allows you to share.

Creating an intellectual work

Whether it concerns drawings, photos, texts, video contents, icons, websites, sound recordings... All «   intellectual works   » can be under a Free license. Websites like creative commons can guide us to do it easily. There are also other licenses like Free Art.

Resource links

Participating to a collective project

Whether you are passionate about nature, DIY, cooking, knowledge, information rights, a scientific discipline, cartography, a practice that uses software…

There are many websites available where you can collaborate ! Some are well known and others less. Some websites are built for specific practices ’ aficionados and this is often a good opportunity for them to share and meet community members.

There is a plethora of topic-oriented websites and here is a non-exhaustive list below

Participating to a collective project

Daily basis





Technical stuff

Sciences / Nature

Participating to a software

We often wrongly think that to participate to the development or quality improvement of a software, we need to know how to code.

However, it is not really the case, we can still report bugs encountered, translate, proofread or correct texts, make ergonomic feedbacks, request a feature, make comments on accessibility for people with disabilities, participate in the writing of a tutorial, participate to visual improvements… You can also contribute by participating in exchanges on mailing lists or forums, by expressing your opinion, by providing help to less experienced users or by sharing your experience (of the tool or of the domain or profession that the tool is made for). In short, the field of possibilities is quite open !

To achieve this, you can usually go to the «   about   » section of the software or go directly to the official website, where you can find the appropriate contact information.

Unfortunately for the people who do not speak English, the contacts are often in Shakespeare’s language ! But maybe a friend can help the ones who don’t master this language !


For graphic designers, it is possible to contribute to an existing icon set (like « high contrast », high contrast icons for the visually impaired, which is incomplete on Linux) or to create one. You can also create specific themes.

Fonts can also be shared.

Resource links

Get involved in another way

It is possible to get involved locally with associations working on the Free-culture thematic. Fablabs can welcome you to manufacture objects for example. Computer refurbishers under Linux may also need a hand.

Resource links

If you don’t really have time to participate, try to use and communicate about Free intellectual works to make them better known !

If your finances allow it, you can also donate to Framasoft, Wikipédia or an association about the Free-culture, these donations are always more than welcome ;) While access to free productions is generally free of charge, the projects are not free for those who carry them.

There is no ridiculous amount to support a project. If all Wikipedia users gave 1 dollar per year, the Wikipedia foundation would probably not know what to do with so much money ...

See you soon

Thank you

Thanks to everyone who took part in the survey that made this website possible ! It clearly helped us identify the fact that many people feel unable to participate, but would like to.

What often prevents them from participating is the lack of computer knowledge. We have shown here that computer knowledge can be secondary to participate.


If you have any question, a topic in mind you would like to dig in or if you would like to participate to this website, you can send us a message !


LUG (Linux user Group) list. People who may help and redirect you to participate in a free project.
Another LUGs list


Article formerly in the form of a site designed by Ben under “Art Libre” License.


Photo of the article : Arturo de Frias Marques, license CC-BY-SA.


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