Accueil > English > Resources to understand and act for the environment > Environment : 3-environmental engineering

Environment : 3-environmental engineering

jeudi 10 février 2022, par La graine

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How do we assess the environmental impact ? Here is how we study the footprint of the human being, so that we can act afterwards. Explanation in video.


Here is a video recap. The script and sources are provided below.

Video presentation

Here is how we assess the environmental impact to act afterwards.



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The script of the video in English.


Technical notes

SVG documents are made with Inkscape.
The video is edited with Kdenlive, available on Linux (« Random Swish Wipe » has been added for transitions :

Some definitions

Environmental engineering

Environmental engineering is the branch of engineering that studies problems related to the Earth in a scientific and integrated way, considering its scientific dimensions : chemical, physical, ecological, biological, geological, social, economic and technological, with the objective to promote sustainable development.

It is a branch of environmental sciences based on the creation, application and management of technological procedures, products and services intended for the prevention, control and remedy of environmental problems ; to the development of the sustainable use of natural resources in production and consumption processes, having as a priority the improvement of the quality of life with the preservation of natural resources.

Environmental engineering contributes to guaranteeing, through the conservation and preservation of natural resources, a better quality of life for the current generation and for future generations.

Life cycle analysis

Life cycle analysis (LCA) is a method for carrying out a multi-criteria and multi-stage environmental assessment of a system over its entire life cycle.

Its purpose is to know and be able to compare the environmental impacts of a system throughout its life cycle, from the extraction of the raw materials necessary for its manufacture to its end-of-life treatment (disposal of waste, recycling, etc.), through its phases of use, maintenance and transport.


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