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mercredi 5 février 2025, par La graine

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Questioning gender at all ages.



Gender is the social assignment of a person by their sexuation. This leads to stereotypes like “girls are sweet” or “boys are bullies”. Stereotypes change over time.

Coup de main souhaité

  1. Relecture et retours
  2. Traduction (en anglais tout d’abord)


Famous people

It’s about asking a simple question and analyzing the answers.

“Can you name 10 famous men who are not contemporary ?”
Then note the answers and the time taken to respond.

Then ask :

“Can you name 10 famous women who are not contemporary ?”
Then note the answers and the time taken to respond.

Analyze times and responses.

In general

  • Certain answers come up almost every time for women.
  • It is often difficult to find 10 feminine names.
  • When we think of actresses or singers, then we find names more easily. The diversity of men’s activities is generally greater.

Women leave a much smaller mark in history, even despite extraordinary destinies.

If, at one time, it was difficult to find documentation on famous women, it is now much simpler.

Animation for children

Final files

Children are asked to place the words on the silhouettes according to whether they think the words are more for girls, boys or neutral in the middle.

Once placed, we ask why they didn’t put everything in the middle. We can even reverse everything that has been put by asking them if they have never seen a strong girl, if children put strength on a boy, for example.

The tool must be accompanied by pedagogy.

Fichier source

SVG file
Text file


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